Saturday, November 7, 2009


I was thinking about deleting my blog because nobody reads it. But, I guess I was wrong...for some this is the easiest way for them to stay caught up with my life!! :)
~Where to begin...I will start off saying the weather is bipolar (sorry if this is your 100th time hearing that) doesn't know what temperature to stay at!!
~On October 10th I went to my grandparent's (dad's side) house in Chatsworth. On the 11th (don't know if the dates are right) I received my patriatricahl blessing (grandpa did it)!! We left on the 12th & said goodbye to my grandparent's & my dad who is working in L.A. (he has had the opppurtunity to visit us a couple of times). Hopefully I'll be able to see my dad again before thanksgiving!! :)
~For Halloween i was a Hershey Kiss...I was suprised at how many people didn't know what I was. Somebody thought i was a pear...people these days!! I kind of felt weird being dressed up because kids my age didn't dress up...I guess I'm too old to dress up...oh well!! :)
~HS is going is flying by...but it is keeping me busy. My schedule: seminary, school, homework, dinner, shower, & bed (repeat). When Saturday comes I'm lazy & tired..I really enjoy sleeping in & watching recordings on tv.
~On Wednesday me & a some group of people who ride my bus...took 10 minutes to find our bus. We were at the end of the bus lane & saw a bus all the way in the front stop & we had to run to the bus. Kids in the other buses weren't very happy that they had to wait for us to get on our bus!! It was embarrasing but, really funny!
~On Wednesday for mutual we went to the mission & helped clean the kitchen & organize the pantry!! I enjoyed doing service!
~Today for the first time in a long time I got to play the piano! I play in seminary but, today I got to actually play something besides church hymns (not saying I don't like to play the hymns)!
~Next weekend Shawna, Amanda & the kids are coming down for a week!! I can't wait to spend time with them!! :)
~ That is what I know on the top of my head that has happened between the 5 weeks that I haven't posted!! I'll try to keep you posted!! :)

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